Hi there,
I am hoping some can help me a little bit, I am currently developing my first site using a PHP framework, part of the site is spilt into a members area, this is where my confusion begins to surface, withing the members area I want normal members to be able to add new comments and edit there own comments, simple enough that I can just check the posters name against the username that is stored in the session, my confusion comes with differentiating between the 'normal' users and the higher level users who have the ability to delete and modify any ones comments etc, they should also be able to access the admin section of the site.
My question is should all user login through the same Zend_Auth controller, or should there be seperate controllers using Zend_Auth for each type of user or can all that be dealt with using Zend_Acl? Any help, advice, article, or tutorials would be greatfully appreciated. Personally I think the Zend documentation is a little raw on some classes.
Thanks in advance