How can you use ModRewrite to check if a cache file exists, and if it does, rewrite to the cache file and otherwise rewrite to a dynamic file.
For example I have the following folder structure:
pages.php cache/ pages/ 1.html 2.html textToo.html etc.
How would you setup the RewriteRules for this so request can be send like this:
And if the cache file exists rewrite tot the cache file, and if the cache file does not exists, rewrite to pages.php?p=1
It should be something like this: (note that this does not work, otherwise I would not have asked this)
RewriteRule ^pages/([^/\.]+) cache/pages/$1.html [NC,QSA] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [NC,OR] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d [NC] RewriteRule cache/pages/([^/\.]+).html pages.php?p=$1 [NC,QSA,L]
I can off coarse do this using PHP but I thought it had to be possible using mod_rewrite.