If portability is an issue, preventing you from running with Runtime.exec(), this code is quite trivial to write in Java using File and a FilenameFilter.
Edit: Here is a static method to delete a directory tree... you can add in the filtering logic easily enough:
static public int deleteDirectory(File dir, boolean slf) {
File[] dc; // directory contents
String dp; // directory path
int oc=0; // object count
if(dir.exists()) {
if(!dir.canWrite()) {
throw new IoEscape(IoEscape.NOTAUT,"Not authorized to delete directory '"+dir+"'.");
if(dp.equals("/") || dp.equals("\\") || (dp.length()==3 && dp.charAt(1)==':' && (dp.charAt(2)=='/' || dp.charAt(2)=='\\'))) {
// Prevent deletion of the root directory just as a basic restriction
throw new IoEscape(IoEscape.GENERAL,"Cannot delete root directory '"+dp+"' using IoUtil.deleteDirectory().");
if((dc=dir.listFiles())!=null) {
for(int xa=0; xa<dc.length; xa++) {
if(dc[xa].isDirectory()) {
if(!dc[xa].delete()) { throw new IoEscape(IoEscape.GENERAL,"Unable to delete directory '"+dc[xa]+"' - it may not be empty, may be in use as a current directory, or may have restricted access."); }
else {
if(!dc[xa].delete()) { throw new IoEscape(IoEscape.GENERAL,"Unable to delete file '"+dc[xa]+"' - it may be currently in use by a program, or have restricted access."); }
if(slf) {
if(!dir.delete()) { throw new IoEscape(IoEscape.GENERAL,"Unable to delete directory '"+dir+"' - it may not be empty, may be in use as a current directory, or may have restricted access."); }
return oc;