@Bernard: it's a slippery slope. If I had to pay $10 for all the useful extensions and all the programs I use all the time (such as firefox+about 12 extensions, filezilla, bugzilla, python, jedit, trac, mediawiki, putty, etc) we'd be talking thousands of dollars real fast. And that chokes development time. Why? because every time I need something at the corp, I'd have to file a purchase request with the boss and that takes weeks to get approved and sometimes isn't (PHB: Do you HAVE to have it? No? Then no.) If it's all free, and I use only free stuff, I can have a fully working development computer ready in 5 hours. This is primarily why I avoid pay software. Note that I do not use software unless I am legally allowed to. I use 7-zip instead of winzip for that reason.
By the way, I used to use view source chart and found it useful, but decided against it long term.
(For those who think I don't pay for anything, you're almost right. I try to keep it to the absolute minimum. I have a $10/month debian stable virtual server. and my $45/month internet cable connection... Oh, and a subscription for the paper version of Python Magazine. And Vista Home Premium (came with the Compaq laptop).
Yeah, I'm gonna lose some rep points on this one.
By the way, another side effect of specifically not installing commercial software on my computers is improved stability. Go figure.