This should be simple, not sure why I am having trouble with this..... In a data input range that a user is entering data there is a "left" and a "right" side of the form. Not all the data in any given row has to be filled in. I want to create a macro (and assign it to a hot key I.E. ctrl-z ) such that if it is hit it will position the active cell to be in the current row and in column "X". in other words hitting the ctrl-Z will cause the cursor to jump to column "X"
In this case column "x" is actually column E:
Sub ToColE()
Const colE = 5
Dim offset As Integer
offset = colE - ActiveCell.Column
ActiveCell.offset(rowOffset:=0, columnOffset:=offset).Activate
End Sub
Andrew Cowenhoven
2009-01-23 17:43:30
Either of the following statements should do the trick. Assign the macro shortcut from the Tools Menu --> Macros.
Public Sub SelectStuff()
Cells(3, 5).Select
End Sub
2009-01-23 17:43:50
Try this
Sub MoveLeftOnForm()
Dim rn As Integer
rn = ActiveCell.Row
Range("B" & rn).Select
End Sub
it assumes B is your leftmost column in the form.
2009-01-23 17:46:35
This code should do it for you:
Public Sub SetUpKeyboardShortcut()
Application.OnKey "^z", "SelectColInSelectedRow"
End Sub
Public Sub SelectColInSelectedRow()
Const ColToSelect = "X"
Range(ColToSelect & CStr(Selection.Row)).Select
End Sub
Just call SetUpKeyboardShortcut in the Workbook_Open event in the ThisWorkbook module. I believe the code above needs to be stored in a standard module.
Hope that helps...
Jon Fournier
2009-01-23 18:29:30