I am writing a piece of code that to work would require an extensive amount of if/then statements. In order to eliminate the need for writing line upon line of if/then statements can I use a dictionary or a list? If so can someone direct me to a good web resource or show an instance where they have done it before?
Clarification: I have six inputs, each are to be combo boxes with a group of selections. Below is a detail of the inputs and the selections.
(Amps) 1:1 - 1:12 (12 different selections)
(Cable Size) 2:1 - 2:13 (13 different selections) Certain items in this list will be excluded by the selection of the first input.
(Cable Type) 3:1 - 3:2 (2 different selections)
(Temp Rating) 4:1 - 4:3 (3 different selections)
(System Type) 5:1 - 5:2 (2 different selections)
(Conduit Type) 6:1 - 6:2 (2 different selections)
From the above input will come two outputs which will appear in two text boxes.
(Cable Qty) 7:1 - 7:16 (16 different outputs)
(Conduit Size) 8:1 - 8:8 (8 different outputs)
I hope this serves to help and not hinder.