Let's say you work 100 days on a project. How many days would each phase of your process (requirements analysis, specification, etc.) take?
I'm interested also in the ratio of specific activities in every phase, such as writing tests, back-end coding, front-end coding, visual design, database design etc.
Many thanks!
Just to make things clear, I'm not talking about web site design - I'm interested in more "serious" web development, such as custom business web applications. I know, everything depends on the specifics of each project, however I suppose the ratios could be roughly the same from project to project.
As Helen correctly remarked, this question is really hard to answer, since projects can be so different and so can be teams. To make it more specific, let's say you have a team of four developers - two of them for back-end work, one for front-end programming and one for design & html/css coding (one member of the team acts as a project manager) and you are supposed to develop StackOverflow.com site.