



I am creating a framework in PHP and need to have a few configuration files. Some of these files will unavoidably have a large number of entries.

What format would be the best for these config files?

Here is my quantification of best:

  1. Easily parsed by PHP. It would be nice if I didn't have to write any parsing code but this is not a deal breaker.
  2. Remains easily read by humans even when there are a large amount of entries
  3. Is a widely used standard, no custom formats
  4. Succinctness is appreciated

I started out using XML, but quickly gave up for obvious reasons. I've thought of JSON and YAML but wanted to see what else is out there.

+8  A: 

Why don´t you use a PHP file for the configuration?

The benefits are clear:

  • possible errors will get caught automatically
  • no need to use/create a custom parser
  • it´s wildly understand by the PHP programmers
  • you can have some custom logic, for example using custom configurations for development, other for production, etc

Others frameworks like Django and rails uses a config file which is a script.

The actual data in the config file don't lend well to this solution.The config files will contain definitions for different types of data and each type could possibly have 20+ entries. I need some sort of tree like structure, and the thought of typing this all out into PHP arrays seems daunting.
I cannot see how you´ll use .ini files for a nice tree like structure.
+7  A: 

YAML is a good option:

It's very simple and powerful, too

Ruby projects use it a lot for configuration.

Paul Tarjan
It is also VERY slow compared to PHP array, INI files, XML. I read a benchmark test on all these including YAML. While the big 3 were performing around 3,500 request per second, YAML could only do around 850 with the same tests data and system.
+14  A: 

How about an INI file format? It's a de facto configuration file standard, and PHP has a built-in parser for that format:


I had no idea, thanks for this great answer!
Besides, it's amazingly simple to write your own INI parser.
Ates Goral
To achieve a tree-like hierarchy, the INI file can have sections with dot-delimited names such as [persistence.connection], [persistence.cache], [users.admin], [] etc.
Ates Goral
great, I'll use that one in my next project :)
+2  A: 

Another option would be to use JSON and use json_encode and json_decode.

You would be able to use richer data structures in your configuration parameters.

JSON doesn't comment well. Config files require comments.
Gary Richardson
+1  A: 

Personly I like to do config data in a class.

class appNameConfig
    var $dbHost = 'localhost';
    var $dbUser = 'root';

then to use them all you have to do is

$config = new appNameConifg;
mysql_connect($config->dbHost, $config->dbUser, $config->dbPassword) or die(/*...*/);

to change the config all you have to do is read the file with the class in it I use a function like this:

function updateConfig($parameter, $value)
    $fh = fopen('config.php', 'w+');
     $file .= fgets($fh);
    $fileLines = explode("\n", $file);
     if(strstr($fileLines[$i], $parameter))
      $fileLines[$i] = "$" . $parameter . " = '" . $value . "'";
    $file = implode("\n", $fileLines);
    fwrite($fh, $file);
You need an addslashes around $value. And this assumes that your configuration will never have complex data attached to a parameter.
I ommited the sanitizing code I assumed that would be obvious.