Hello all, I am designing the database for "Patient Information System". I have table with names Table Name : Patient(a patient is the person who visit the hospital for treatment/consultation) Id,Name,Address,DateOfBirth,Phone,EmergencyContact,DateOfRegistration
Table Name : Doctor( a doctor will be assigned to each patient.) Id,Name,Address,Phone
Table Name : Bed(if patient type is "In Patient", a bed will be assigned to the user.) Id,BedName,RatePerDay,BedType
Table Name : Visit(a patient can visit the hospital any number of times.) Id,PatientType,DoctorId,BedId,DateOfVisit,DateOfDischarge,Symtomps,Disease,Treatment
Somebody please help me how to design the relationship between these tables i mean which one primary key which one reference key plz....plz......
Thanks, Masum