I was talking to my dad about careers and he said that you may be passionate about IT right now, but when you work for a long time you will lose that passion and see your job as a means to earning money and no longer a hobby. He also went on to say he really enjoyed programming but lost that passion.
My dad got a degree in computer science and an msc in database design. He spent a decade writing C and designing Oracle systems, so he's certainly got the life and technical experience (not recent) to comment.
Programming is the one thing I can do without any of my disadvantages effecting my performance. I had a passion for playing pool - strictly a hobby - but lost it and as a result I always lose. No surprise as I no longer want to play and writing code seems to be the hobby which has taken over (and not just because coding will be my livelihood, I just enjoy writing code to do interesting things). I hadn't achieved everything or had the ability to pull off every shot in pool, but I am not able to pull off everything in coding either. I still have a lot to achieve professionally and technically. Maybe when I can, I would get bored?
What do you guys reckon? How do you keep the passion (good question for experienced coders who have been coding for 10 years+).