



Hi, I have given an option to choose an elective in my PG study. Which one i choose and why?

"Mobile Computing" or "Web Graphics" ?

Apart from my interest What will be the Career Scope for the above electives?

+1  A: 

"Mobile Computing" will definetily be more interesting since mobile is evoluting very faster. in a few years we had seen all new types of new mobiles arising with betters SDK and IDE's that increase the scope of them.

it is a great time to be a mobile developer.

Oscar Cabrero
+4  A: 

If you are a real programmer, then go for Mobile computing. There is a lot of unexplored avenues in this arena since the computer world is going ubiquitous. Imagine a situation where it wont matter whether you have your computer with you or not. I mean, with just your cellphone you can connect to your Wireless enabled Dev PC from anywhere say via remote desktop and do a bit of code changes in your current project and then initiate an ftp transfer of the changes to a live site or something while you are in the comfort of a Safari hotel in Namibia. Or maybe all the applications that you know that are currently being accessed from a Desktop are now accessible from your cellphone. Or maybe there are lesser resource consuming versions of the apps.

Web graphics. Well, a lot of guys are into web graphics these days. And you nolonger need technical people for this. Just take a marketing guy and show them how to open the Graphics application and the next thing they are creating graphics like nobody's business.

+1  A: 

mobile computing
