



Hi. On my home page I'm using next method to hide my email from spam bots:

<a href="admin [at]"
   onclick="this.href='mailto:' + 'admin' + '@' + ''">Contact me</a>

What do you think about it? Is it effective? What other methods do you know or use?

+5  A: 

See Making email addresses safe from bots on a webpage?

I like the way Facebook and others render an image of your email address.

I have also used The Enkoder in the past - thought it was very good to be honest!

Yep...I quite like enkoder as well.
+1  A: 

The best method hiding email addresses is only good until bot programmer discover this "encoding" and implement a decryption algorithm.

The JavaScript option won't work long, because there are a lot of crawler interpreting JavaScript.

There's no answer, imho.

Are there crawlers interpreting JavaScript? My one JavaScript encoding method has seemed to work well for me over the past few years--my spam rate has been a fairly steady ~4/week, so I haven't worried about other people's addresses that I entrusted to this method. Should I?
For sure, it may exclude lots of crawlers, but me, if I created an address crawler, I would implement a JavaScript lib :)
more effort than you might think
Charlie Somerville
Google is crawling through some JS now.
Alister Bulman
If google is only doing some...
+1  A: 

There are probably bots that recognize the [at] and other disguises as @ symbol. So this is not a really effective method.

Sure you could use some encodings like URL encode or HTML character references (or both):

// PHP example
// encodes every character using URL encoding (%hh)
function foo($str) {
    $retVal = '';
    $length = strlen($str);
    for ($i=0; $i<$length; $i++) $retVal.=sprintf('%%%X', ord($str[$i]));
    return $retVal;
// encodes every character into HTML character references (&#xhh;)
function bar($str) {
    $retVal = '';
    $length = strlen($str);
    for ($i=0; $i<$length; $i++) $retVal.=sprintf('&#x%X;', ord($str[$i]));
    return $retVal;

$email = '[email protected]';
echo '<a href="'.bar('mailto:?to=' . foo(','.$email.'')).'">mail me</a>';

// output
// <a href="&#x6D;&#x61;&#x69;&#x6C;&#x74;&#x6F;&#x3A;&#x3F;&#x74;&#x6F;&#x3D;&#x25;&#x32;&#x43;&#x25;&#x37;&#x35;&#x25;&#x37;&#x33;&#x25;&#x36;&#x35;&#x25;&#x37;&#x32;&#x25;&#x34;&#x30;&#x25;&#x36;&#x35;&#x25;&#x37;&#x38;&#x25;&#x36;&#x31;&#x25;&#x36;&#x44;&#x25;&#x37;&#x30;&#x25;&#x36;&#x43;&#x25;&#x36;&#x35;&#x25;&#x32;&#x45;&#x25;&#x36;&#x33;&#x25;&#x36;&#x46;&#x25;&#x36;&#x44;">mail me</a>

But as it is legal to use them, every browser/e-mail client should handle these encodings too.

Totally agree, spammers are "clever" people, after years of people adding [at] or [dot] in place of the syntax, of course they're going to have algorithms that pick these patterns up.
+4  A: 

One easy solution is to use HTML entities instead of actual characters. For example, the "[email protected]" will be converted into :

<A HREF="&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;%6D%65%40%73%74%61%63%6B%6F%76%65%72%66%6C%6F%77%2E%63%6F%6D">email me</A>
Could you please tip me about a site which has a service for quick conversion such you did.
Try that should keep you busy ;)
Google can find you lots of page for that. One example:
But couldn't a bot just as easily regex that as well?
Ouch, the me@stack... example should better be written as [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] -- those are the only domain names non-owners should use in examples!

Does it work if I right-click on the link and choose "copy URL"? If not, it's very much not an ideal situation (I very seldom click on a mailto link, preferring to copy the email address and paste it into my mail application or wherever else I need it at a specific point in time).

I used to be fairly paranoid protecting my mail address on-line (UseNet, web and the like), but these days I suspect more "possible targets for spam" are actually generated matching local-parts to domains programmatically. I base this on having, on occasion, gone through my mail server logs. There tends to be quite a few delivery attempts to non-existing addresses (including truncated versions of spam-bait I dangled on UseNet back in the late 90s, when address-scraping was very prevalent).

+5  A: 

have a look at this way , pretty clever and using css

Hope it helps


It's surely funny. But unfortunately, this is not clickable and won't work for copy/paste, while neglecting any non-CSS browser such as braille readers.
Mhh nice, but once people who write crawlers see it, it becomes useless.
+8  A: 

I have a completely different take on this. I use MailHide from the reCaptcha folks for this.

+4  A: 

If you have php support, you can do something like this:

<img src="scriptname.php">

And the scriptname.php:

header("Content-type: image/png");
// Your email address which will be shown in the image
$email    =    "[email protected]";
$length    =    (strlen($email)*8);
$im = @ImageCreate ($length, 20)
     or die ("Kann keinen neuen GD-Bild-Stream erzeugen");
$background_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 255, 255, 255); // White: 255,255,255
$text_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 55, 103, 122);
imagestring($im, 3,5,2,$email, $text_color);
imagepng ($im);
+6  A: 

I think the only foolproof method you can have is creating a Contact Me page that is a form that submits to a script that sends to your email address. That way, your address is never exposed to the public at all. This may be undesirable for some reason, but I think it's a pretty good solution. It often irks me when I'm forced to copy/paste someone's email address from their site to my mail client and send them a message; I'd rather do it right through a form on their site. Also, this approach allows you to have anonymous comments sent to you, etc. Just be sure to protect your form using some kind of anti-bot scheme, such as a captcha. There are plenty of them discussed here on SO.

The only problem with this is that you don't have a copy of the message you sent unless you take the time to copy and paste it somewhere else. Personally I don't mind copy and paste but to each their own.
As for the sender not having a copy: for many kind of forms on the web I love the option to get a copy myself. However, often such an option allows for abuse for anonymously sending messages to just about anyone...
This may HIDE your email address, but it wont stop the spam at all, unless you secure your form with a captcha image validation script.
+1  A: 

You can try to hide characters using html entities in hexa (ex: &#x40 for @). This is convenient solution, as a correct browser will translate it, and you can have a normal link. The drawback is that a bot can translate it theorically, but it's a bit unusual. I use this to protect my e-mail on my blog.

Another solution is to use javascript to assemble part of the address and to decode on-the-fly the address. The drawback is that a javascript-disabled browser won't show your adress.

The most effective solution is to use an image, but it's a pain for the user to have to copy the address by hand.

Your solution is pretty good, as you only add a drawback (writing manually the @) only for user that have javascript disabled. You can also be more secure with :

onclick="this.href='mailto:' + 'admin' + '&#x40;' + ''"
+1  A: 

First I would make sure the email address only shows when you have javascript enabled. This way, there is no plain text that can be read without javascript.

Secondly, A way of implementing a safe feature is by staying away from the <button> tag. This tag needs a text insert between the tags, which makes it computer-readable. Instead try the <input type="button"> with a javascript handler for an onClick. Then use all of the techniques mentioned by otherse to implement a safe email notation.

One other option is to have a button with "Click to see emailaddress". Once clicked this changes into a coded email (the characters in HTML codes). On another click this redirects to the 'mailto:email' function

An uncoded version of the last idea, with selectable and non-selectable email addresses:

<script type="text/javascript">
email="[email protected]";
<input type="text" onClick=";" value="Click for mail"/>
<input type="text" onClick="this.value=email;" value="Click for mail-address"/>
<input type="button" onClick=";" value="Click for mail"/>
<input type="button" onClick="this.value=email;" value="Click for mail-address"/>

See if this is something you would want and combine it with others' ideas. You can never be too sure.

oh look - [email protected] - there's the plain text email address.
Alister Bulman
+1  A: 

Hello, there is a webpage,, that encrypts your email address in a secure manner. All you nedd to do is type in your email address and is returned html code with a link with your encrypted email. I've tried and now i use it everytime. There's also a automatic gen for webmasters. Check it out.

Hmm, the page works but typing in my email-address on a random web page does NOT sound like protecting it. Bet they have a huge list of addresses themself :P
I'd like to upvote comments :P
Andrea Ambu
+1  A: 

I recommend you to use e-mail protection services like and others (don't remember their names, but they are, I'm sure). It's much easier.

+1  A: 

reCaptcha looks promising.

Sinan Ünür
+1  A: 

One of my favorite methods is to obfuscate the email address using php, a classic example is to convert the characters to HEX values like so:

function myobfiscate($emailaddress){
 $email= $emailaddress;                
 $length = strlen($email);                         
 for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++){                
 $obfuscatedEmail .= "&#" . ord($email[$i]).";";
 echo $obfuscatedEmail;

And then in my markup I'll simply call it as follows:

<a href="mailto:<?php echo myobfiscate('[email protected]')" title="Email me!"><?php echo myobfiscate('[email protected]');</a>

Then examine your source, you'll be pleasantly surprised!
