



I have simple php application, it works on all browsers except on IE8 beta 2, problem occurs when I try to update table field using Ajax call (jQuery post method). Using IE8 debugger I figure out that IE8 doesn't send session cookie so php scripts redirects to login page instead of executing requested action.

What can I do to make this work.

Edit: I haven't mention that i was using Code Igniter so i have solved this problem by replacing Code Igniter default session implementation with native one. Code igniter default session implementation uses cookie to store all data.


As a workaround, you can embed the SessionID as a parameter on the uri.

See passing session id in the php manual.

Allain Lalonde

I don't have IE8 myself, but your cookie might be blocked by Internet Explorer's strange security policies. A possible workaround can be to employ P3P (which is also the method for getting cookies working inside an IFRAME).

Generating the right P3P policy can be a bit of work, but you should be able to find the information you need at


I had the same problem in IE8 RC1:

1)a user goes to the login page and a blank session cookie is set
2)The user logs in and a validated session cookie is set and javascript opens a new window and closes the current window.
3)The new window is opened and contains a blank session cookie.
4)The user is redirected to the login page

I changed step 1 so that the blank cookie was not set - I only send the session cookie if its been validated. This fixed the problem for me.

Mike Blandford

I am having trouble getting IE8 to use SSL Certificates (PK12) files as a means of authorization. If I want to protect a directory and force a matching web certificate to be present in the browser before granting access. It works fine with IE7 and all versions of Mozilla - just not IE8. It has rendered my wife's dictation system useless. One other thing I noticed is that when it sets the PHPSESSID cookie, it list the domain as .net and not


having exactly same problem in google chrome ! though it was working and currently working on the website , but on my localhost development area it is not working , so am afraid to update the website untill i find a solution