I'm interested in writing eclipse plugins where do I start?
What resources have helped you?
I'm looking for:
1. Tutorials
2. Sites devoted to plugin development
3. Books
I'm interested in writing eclipse plugins where do I start?
What resources have helped you?
I'm looking for:
1. Tutorials
2. Sites devoted to plugin development
3. Books
You can find a good step by step detailed tutorial here:
Other tutorials:
A decent book, that I've used is "Eclipse: Building Commercial-Quality Plug-Ins".
Here's all the books available for developing Eclipse Plugins: http://www.eclipseplugincentral.com/books-index-req-view_subcat-sid-4.html
I have done quite a bit with an RCP application that made use of multiple plug-ins. This book helped me tremendously in all fronts: RCP framework and plug-in development: http://www.amazon.com/Eclipse-Rich-Client-Platform-Applications/dp/0321334612
The book walks you through the development of a IM chat client using RCP and plug-in development.
Also the eclipse site and IBM have some pretty good tutorials, here is one: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/os-ecplug/
As Eclipse RCP is also based on plug-ins this might also help: Eclipse RCP Introduction
The RCP book mentioned above is great Also there are some older online articles on the eclipse site starting with http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-RCP-1/tutorial1.html. Unfortunately they are a bit out of date.