I have create a getDBConnection method in my Java application. This returns a connection object, and hence I haven't closed this connection in this method itself.
Now, I am invoking this method from various methods in my application at regular intervals, and closing them inside a try - finally block. I thought this should free up the connection after use. However, I am seeing a large number of connections opened (about 50) in the MySQL Administrator's Server Connections tab.
//Defining a method to retrieve a database connection
// PropDemo is a properties class that retrieves Database related values from a file
public Connection getDBConnection() {
//Instantiating the Properties object
PropDemo prop = new PropDemo();
Connection con = null;
// Retrieving values from the parameters.properties file
String JdbcDriver = prop.getMessage("JdbcDriver");
String JdbcUrlPrefix = prop.getMessage("JdbcUrlPrefix");
String DBIP = prop.getMessage("DBIP");
String DBName = prop.getMessage("DBName");
String DBUser = prop.getMessage("DBUser");
String DBPassword = prop.getMessage("DBPassword");
try {
// Loading and instantiating the JDBC MySQL connector driver class
con = DriverManager.getConnection(JdbcUrlPrefix + DBIP + "/" + DBName, DBUser, DBPassword);
if (con.isClosed())
Logger.log("Connection cannot be established", "vm");
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.log("Exception: " + e, "vm");
Logger.log(Logger.stack2string(e), "vm");
return con;
I am also closing the associated ResultSet and Statement Objects. What could be missing here?
I am planning to replace all the Statements with PreparedStatements for efficiency and security reasons. Will that help significantly? What else can be done?
EDIT: This is just a core java application that is repeatedly quering for changes in some fields in a MySQL database through MySQL-JDBC connector. I am not using any framework like Spring or Hibernate.