



In your opinion, what is a great example application which demonstrates the best techniques for its language and problem domain, and could be used as a reference for other programmers?

  • Please provide answers where the source is readily available for viewing (i.e. open-source projects), and provide a link.
  • The first line of each answer should indicate the language and the problem domain in bold, e.g.:

Java - Web Application

... or ...

C# - DX Game

As with other Rosetta Stone questions, the answers here should demonstrate the language/technology in the example in such a way that programmers who aren't familiar with them can get an impression of what they're like.


C++ - Library


Adam Bellaire
+1  A: 

C#/ASP.NET MVC E-Commerce

Rob Conery's MVC StoreFront application. This example has been linked to many times from StackOverflow already. It's a web cast series where the author goes through and creates a new e-commerce application using the ASP.NET MVC framework. One of the off-shoots of the project is the ASP.NET Commerce Starter Kit (CSK), now hosted at CodePlex.


Python - Web Framework


Adam Bellaire
+2  A: 


Akka - Simpler Scalability, Fault-Tolerance, Concurrency & Remoting through Actors.


  • Mono - An OpenSource implementation (in C) of .NET and ASP.NET (compiler + runtime + server)
  • Espeak - A C/C++ text-to-speach program/library
  • Google Chrome - the fastest and safest & ACID3 compliantst browser to date
  • MediaWiki - The Wikipedia engine
  • WordPress -best blogengine
  • VBulletin - Best forum software available (PHP)
  • PostGre SQL - The only really free and quite advanced SQL implementation available
  • LightHttp - fastest advanced webserver available
  • Cassandra -best OpenSource NoSQL solution
  • ffmpeg - best soundconverter available
  • mplayer/vlc - best free mediaplayers
  • Quandary