I would treat this just as any other String constant you have scattered throughout your code and define a constant variable for it. Granted, in this case "java.io.tmpdir" is unlikely to change, but you never know. (I don't mean that Sun might change the meaning of "java.io.tmpdir", or what system property it points to, but that you might change your mind about what system property you need to read.)
If you're only using a particular property within one class, then I'd define the constants right in that class.
private final String TEMPDIR = "java.io.tmpdir";
If you're using the same properties in different classes, you may want to define an static class of your own to hold the constants you use most often.
public final Class Prop {
public static final String TEMPDIR = "java.io.tmpdir";
Then, everywhere you need to use that constant just call it using