I am having to run a breadth-first search in Java for an assignment. I have a 5x5 grid of tiles (24 in total - 1 tile is left 'blank'). The point of the search is to rearrange the tiles by moving the 'blank' up, down, left or right to eventually rearrange the tiles into the correct order.
To do this search, I have created an Arraylist 'queue'. I have a method that takes the state at index 0 of this arraylist, finds each of the legal moves that can follow and then adds them each to the end of the arraylist.
In theory, this continues until the 'goalstate' is eventually found. The problem is that when I run the search, the 'queue' arraylist just continues to get bigger and bigger. Today I left it running for hours and still the solution had not been found.
This suggests that maybe I have gone about this solution the wrong way and there is a much better way for me to do a breadth-first search in Java. I know my solution does work (eventually) as when I use a start state that isn't too different from the goalstate, it doesn't take too long to find the right path. However, I have been given a start state to use, which unfortunately, is nowhere close to the goalstate!!!
Any hints or tips would be much appreciated!