I have a problem in my C# ASP.NET application, where the id and name tags are modified at runtime with a prefix "MainView_" and "MainView$" respectively. So my code:
<asp:Button ID="OKToContinueCheckInButton" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" Visibility="false" Style="display: none" OnClick="btnOKToContinueCheckIn" />
<script type="text/javascript">
var answer = confirm("Some Warning");
if (answer)
// -->
<input type="submit" name="MainView$OKToContinueCheckInButton" value="" id="MainView_OKToContinueCheckInButton" Visibility="false" style="display: none" />
<script type="text/javascript">
var answer = confirm("Some Warning");
if (answer)
// -->
getElementID() returns null because the name has changed. Can anyone tell me why this occurs and if there is a way to possibly disable it from changing the id and name values. Thanks!