I'm trying to use the repository pattern to save an entity using the Entity Framework. I'm unclear on how to save the Navigation Properties (like Account below). Can anyone shed some light on this. Especially how one would set the AccountId from an MVC controller all the way through to the repository where it's saved.
--- Sample Code ---
public void SavePerson(Person person)
if (person != null)
using (xxxxxxEntities bbEntities = new xxxxxxEntities())
//see if it's in the db
Person cPerson;
ObjectQuery<Person> persons = bbEntities.Person;
cPerson = (from p in persons
where p.PersonId == person.PersonId
select p).FirstOrDefault() ?? new Person();
//synch it
**cPerson.Account.AccountId = person.Account.AccountId;**
cPerson.Active = person.Active;
cPerson.BirthDay = person.BirthDay;
cPerson.BirthMonth = person.BirthMonth;
cPerson.BirthYear = person.BirthYear;
cPerson.CellPhone = person.CellPhone;
cPerson.CreatedBy = person.CreatedBy;
cPerson.CScore = person.CScore;