



Hi, on my company we are developing a ERP-like app using java and jsf, so far the design team has identified about 20 entities,each with diferent properties, usually we'll be building 20 pages of CRUD , is there any better way to do this?, we are using hibernate as db access, so we came up with the idea of a single DAO for this part of the system, have you faced a similiar situation? what are your thoughts on it?


You might consider codegenerating those 20 screens, much like scaffolding in Ruby does. As far as DAO is concerned, you might pull CUD operations to some generic IBusinessObjectDao, leaving specific R operations (querying by various parameters) to concrete DAO implementations.

Anton Gogolev
+1  A: 

You really should look into Seam. It has a feature called Seam-Gen that will reverse engineer your entire application CRUD pages from the database. You can edit the Seam-Gen templates (which are based on Freemarker) to customise the pages that will be generated to your liking.

I use the Eclipse plugin Azzurri Clay to model my database and generate the DDL. I then run Seam-Gen and in a few seconds you have a running application. It's a very handy combination.
