I get the following error when I try to concatenate Operand type clash: text in incompatible with bit Invalid operator for datatype: Operator equals Add, Type equal bit
F.SubmissionId, F.FormId,
F.DocumentTitle + F.Archive AS DocumentTitle,
F.Keywords, F.PublishDate, F.PostedDate, F.ExpiredDate,
F.IsFlag, F.IsAdminOnly, F.IsCompleted, F.IsPublished,
F.CreatedDate, F.AllowComments,
CASE WHEN F.Archive = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS Archive,
I.ItemId, I.SubmissionId AS Expr1, I.ParamId, I.ParamValue
dbo.app_FormSubmission AS F
INNER JOIN dbo.app_FormSubmissionItems AS I ON
F.SubmissionId = I.SubmissionId