


# some comment
# other comment

block1 {
    some_value=some other kind of data

block2 {
    some_value=some other kind of data
+4  A: 

Well, the data looks pretty regular. So you could do something like this (untested):

class Block(object):
    def __init__(self, name): = name

infile = open(...)  # insert filename here
current = None
blocks = []

for line in infile:
    if line.lstrip().startswith('#'):
    elif line.rstrip().endswith('{'):
        current = Block(line.split()[0])
    elif '=' in line:
        attr, value = line.strip().split('=')
            value = int(value)
        except ValueError:
        setattr(current, attr, value)
    elif line.rstrip().endswith('}'):

The result will be a list of Block instances, where will be the name ('block1', 'block2', etc.) and other attributes correspond to the keys in your data. So, blocks[0].value will be 'data', etc. Note that this only handles strings and integers as values.

(there is an obvious bug here if your keys can ever include 'name'. You might like to change to self._name or something if this can happen)


John Fouhy
If the input file is *invalid* and starts with `value=data` your program will crash because `current` has not been initialized. As the old saying goes, *"Garbage In, Garbage out"*. Anyway +1 from me.
Cristian Ciupitu
+2  A: 

You might look into something like pyparsing.

Fred Larson
+3  A: 

If you do not really mean parsing, but rather text processing and the input data is really that regular, then go with John's solution. If you really need some parsing (like there are some a little more complex rules to the data that you are getting), then depending on the amount of data that you need to parse, I'd go either with pyparsing or simpleparse. I've tried both of them, but actually pyparsing was too slow for me.

Bartosz Radaczyński
+5  A: 

The best way would be to use an existing format such as JSON.

Here's an example parser for your format:

from lepl import (AnyBut, Digit, Drop, Eos, Integer, Letter,
                  NON_GREEDY, Regexp, Space, Separator, Word)

# name = ( letter | "_" ) , { letter | "_" | digit } ;
name = Word(Letter() | '_',
            Letter() | '_' | Digit())
# words = word , space+ , word , { space+ , word } ;
# two or more space-separated words (non-greedy to allow comment at the end)
words = Word()[2::NON_GREEDY, ~Space()[1:]] > list
# value = integer | word | words  ;
value = (Integer() >> int) | Word() | words
# comment = "#" , { all characters - "\n" } , ( "\n" | EOF ) ;
comment = '#' & AnyBut('\n')[:] & ('\n' | Eos())

with Separator(~Regexp(r'\s*')):
    # statement = name , "=" , value ;
    statement = name & Drop('=') & value > tuple
    # suite     = "{" , { comment | statement } , "}" ;
    suite     = Drop('{') & (~comment | statement)[:] & Drop('}') > dict
    # block     = name , suite ;
    block     = name & suite > tuple
    # config    = { comment | block } ;
    config    = (~comment | block)[:] & Eos() > dict

from pprint import pprint



[{'block1': {'othervalue': 32423432,
             'some_value': ['some', 'other', 'kind', 'of', 'data'],
             'value': 'data'},
  'block2': {'othervalue': 32423432,
             'some_value': ['some', 'other', 'kind', 'of', 'data'],
             'value': 'data'}}]
J.F. Sebastian