



For my next web site I would prefer not to write everything from scratch. At the same time I don't want to be looked to much into a framework. So I would like something that I can use at all levels.

  1. Access the DB (SQL Server) directly (The DB layout should not be much more complex than a self written app)
  2. Business logic
  3. Interface components (Web parts/Controls) -For example login, most read articles.

For the frontend there should be sample pages that I can easily change.

The app will be a bit like DIGG, but with a different frontend. There is a framework called KIGG. But I dont know much about how it meets my criteria.

+1  A: 

Kigg meets most of your criteria - I would start there. There is now a site built on top of Kigg called which shows you some of what the framework can do.
