




We are big fans of JMX in my company. We have instrumented pretty much everything.

This is great for developers and a hardcore of support people. But it has been too successful: we are now getting requests from other people to be able to view JMX and we don't want to let them have access to everything.

Is it possible to setup JMX with security policies to restrict users or groups of users to a limited number of beans, attributes and operations?

We are using the HtmlAdaptorServer but could use JConsole or VisualVM if these are more appropriate. Using Java 6 throughout.


+3  A: 

You can start with http://blogs.sun.com/lmalventosa/entry/jmx_authentication_authorization

It is a very nice starting point for security in JMX. There are various use case scenarios discussed for different level of security in JMX.

Rutesh Makhijani
Crikey! Thats a lot of detail in the blog. I'll take a look.I need to find out whether this is applicable to the Http adapter as well

Correct Link

Sorry the link got formatted in previous post.

Rutesh Makhijani


i am working as a support engineer. as a part of my work i am required to develop a jmx application which is capable of generating mail alerts for runtime parameters in jvm like memory consumptiom(exceeds some thrsold) and live threads etc

can u please help me in this


Sunny Mate
You asked that same question over in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/790535/ some 100 minutes before you crossposted it here. Why?