Is your QA Team effective. I am finding that many QA people that I have encountered are more verifiers and software breaking experts.
What I mean by verifiers is, they step through all scenarios provided, basically walking through the application and ensuring that it does what is supposed to.
What I mean by breakers is, they verify but they also diligently seek out scenarios that break the software and uncover defects.
Are your findings similar?
Of historical note on breaking software There was a team inside IBM in the 80's called the Black Team. They had a culture of saying that they had "succeeded" when they broke the software to encourage the identification of defects. They considered their work a "failure" when they failed to find/identify any faults in the software. On the other hand, the outcome of their "failure" was great reliable software...
And the book: "How to Break Software: A Practical Guide to Testing" by James Whittaker