



I'm using Apache BeeHive. My JSP contains a form (<netui:form>) with a dropdown box (<netui:select>) and a submit button (<netui:button>). When the submit button is pressed, the form's default action ("doAction1) will be submitted. I want a different action ("doAction2") to be submitted when an option is selected from the dropdown. See Figure 1.

My first inclination was to create a JavaScript function that changes the form's action attribute to the new action name and then submits the form (see Figure 2), but this didn't work. I found out that the tag translates "doAction1" to a full URL like "http://localhost:7001/app/". The "doAction2" string that I pass to the JavaScript submitForm(form, newAction) method can't convert "doAction2" to an appropriate URL (well it could, but only in a kludgey way). I went looking for a netui tag that could convert a plain action name into a URL, but I couldn't find one.

So, what's the right way to accomplish this?

Figure 1 - JSP code snippet

<netui:form action="doAction1" method="post">
    <netui:select dataSource="actionForm.field1"
                  onChange="submitForm(this.form, 'doAction2')"/>


Figure 2 - JavaScript function to change the form action and submit the form

<netui:scriptBlock placement="before">

    function submitForm(form, newAction) {
        form.action = newAction;
