What big projects do you know about that never hit the mainstream?
I feel sorry for haXe and OpenLaszlo because people put so much work into them and they never got a user base large enough to become big hits.
What big projects do you know about that never hit the mainstream?
I feel sorry for haXe and OpenLaszlo because people put so much work into them and they never got a user base large enough to become big hits.
Boo Programming Language. Great tool that just doesn't seem to get the publicity / IDE it needs (not a big fan of #develop).
While it won't hit mainstream as such given that it addresses the relatively specialised niche of microfinance, I nevertheless think it deserves far more attention and spare time from hobbyist developers. Contribute to free software and help alleviate global poverty in one package...
(Disclaimer, I was contributing professionally (to the extent of my capability, though not with code) to this project at a point)
The same people who invented UNIX did it again some twenty odd years later. It does not suffer from the second system syndrome. Its design is actually much cleaner than UNIX ever was.
Unfortunately, the first versions were not available to the general public. You had to be a university and pay a few hundred dollars for a CD-ROM. When it was eventually open-sourced, it was too late.
I loved using that OS, it was much snappier and quicker than anything else I could find at the time, and more stable as well.
I don't think there is any need to pity projects that aren't popular. Sometimes it's better that way, there's more freedom when you don't have to worry about users. You don't have to have a large user base to derive satisfaction from developing software.
For example, I'm busy making backwards-incompatible changes to one of my projects. The changes might inconvenience my users, but it's only used by a few people. If I was working on something as popular as the Linux kernel, making backwards-incompatible changes would likely trigger a deluge of vitriolic blog posts and a lot more grief than I would want to deal with.
It used to be the unofficial motto of the Haskell community to "avoid success at all costs". That attitude can be frustrating if you're a user, but it can be liberating for a developer.
Seems to be having a few problems being a one-man show at this time.
Even it was once hit mainstream, I deeply feel sorry for ICQ. MSN Messenger never deserved to take over.
It was a joy to use and for a time it was more advanced than competing operating systems in many areas.
It's got to be Iridium, the satellite-based mobile phone system available anywhere on earth. The technology was wonderful, with seamless cellular handoffs between low-earth orbit satellites travelling at 17,000mph. Awesome hardware and software, but a business plan that turned out to be very wrong. The original investors took a bath, but the system is still operated by Iridium, LLC.
Chandler. A brilliant book was written about this project, which was supposed to revolutionize personal information management software. Unfortunately millions of dollars were poured into endless meetings about every little aspect of the system whilst Google (and others) came along and actually released working software.
A very good demonstration that design-by-committee is full of pitfalls and that delivering stuff is of paramount importance.
Something like 7 years later (7 years!) the project's funding was eventually - and quietly - dropped.
I feel sorry for Daikatana - surely one of the most anticipated video games ever? 3 years overdue and it just about made enough money to cover production costs. What a flop!
Intel Itanium processor, especially the C++ compiler for Itanium. It could have been a mainstream CPU, and a mainstream compiler.
I am sure much of the headway that Intel has made is reused, but it's unfortunate that it never hit the markets in a BIG way.
The Atari 1450XLD. It was announced with the other XLs, but this top-of-the-line model never came out.
The other XL model (1850XL) was to use the Amiga technology.
The unreleased XEM was to feature the crazy high-end AMY chip--an allegedly groundbreaking sound chip that was never quite ready for silicon. The Atari ST line was also to get the AMY chip when it was ready.
The GIMP. It's a decent tool and a lot of people use it but it will never be out of photoshop's shadow.
it was (still is) a very nice alternative to Twitter, much prettier, more organized, more scalable and with more features. I must say that it wasn't used by too many people, maybe that's why Google has abandoned it. and Twitter was in its hype, so Jaiku wasn't getting much new users.
too sad, I liked it...
Like I said here, which, BTW, is very similar to this question:
"There's no platform that's more under-appreciated than the Ecere SDK.
It was created by a guy in ##programming on freenode, its official channel is #ecere on the same network.
He's been working on it for years, it just never got noticed.
Don't be be deceived by it's website's old look; it's really amazing, you can find examples of it along with a sample code here.
I hope you guys like it. GB"
Multics. Symmetric multiprocessing with world-wide addressing (18 bit segment + 18 bit offset would have gorgeous with 24 bit segment and 40 bit offsets) and robust security, running in the 1960s. Used in the WhiteHouse until a few years back because it really was secure! We could have had Multics. Instead we got Eunuchs :-( and what stormed the market was a really bad OS called MSDOS. Now all we have are flat-space Linux and Windows. What has this devolution cost us? (I suppose I'm really feeling sorry for us all).
Xanadu. Ted Nelson's hyperlink vision, doomed to failure by his ambitions. Much later Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web as a lab-internal documentation scheme and accidentally scooped Ted.
Burroughs. Beautiful Algol machines in hardware, no assembly code, OS ("MCP") coded in a high level language from day 1. Overwhelmed by IBM salesmen selling to the suits. Burroughs lost this war and then went on to produce the 1700, a machine that would run any language you cared to define, by swapping in the necessary microcoded HLL interpreter on a task switch. Finally eaten by loser hardware vendor Unisys. Poor Burroughs. (If they had won the marketplace, nobody would have ever had an Intel PC or instruction set to contend with).
I feel sorry for the D programming language. It's great. You really should hear of it as much as you do C.
The Commodore Amiga. I remember learning to program in C on mine and it was such a great OS, with fantastic computer architecture.
HURD - HIRD of Unix-replacing daemons, where HIRD stands for HURD of interfaces representing depth
Sounds good on paper, but probably even Microsoft will have something comparable on the market before its finished.
I personally don't get why an OS supposedly based on a slim micro-kernel with modularized components can take that long to finish - it should be easier with that architecture.
I love the product. Sadly, it is now in the shadows. Some people keep predicting increase in Delphi popularity in the future, but I am just afraid it won't happen.
OS/2 2.0 and upwards
It was really great at its time, unfortunately they couldn't manage to get developers to write applications for it, and had to depend on it's windows support.
In the dotcom age, I briefly worked on a project for a startup. The startup went bankrupt before the site was launched :)