



I have been using Emacs to write Python 2 code. Now I have both Python 2.6 and 3.0 installed on my system, and I need to write Python 3 code as well.

Here is how the different versions are set up in /usr/bin:

python -> python2.6*
python2 -> python2.6*

python3 -> python3.0*

Is there any way to set this up so that Emacs uses the correct version of Python, depending on which language I am using? For instance, C-c C-c currently runs the buffer, but it always calls python2.6, even if I am writing Python 3 code.

+3  A: 

The answer is yes. If you can distinguish Python 2 from Python 3, then it is a Simple Matter Of Programming to get emacs to do what you want.

(define run-python (&optional buffer)
    (with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
        (if (is-python3-p)

(define-key python-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-c") #'run-python)

All that's left to do is implement is-python3-p and run-python3 (etc.)

+5  A: 

If you are using python-mode.el you can try to change py-which-shell. In order to do this on a per-file basis you can put

# -*- py-which-shell: "python3"; -*-

at the first line of your file - or at the second line if the first line starts with #!. Another choice is to put

# Local Variables:
# py-which-shell: "python3" 
# End:

at the end of your file. Perhaps you should give the full path to python3 instead of just "python3".

The file local variable doesn't work for me. It seems the py-python-command should be set with setq in dotemacs to take effect. I'll elaborate in my other answer to the original question.
I had suggested setting py-python-command but python-mode.el uses internally py-which-shell and sets py-which-shell to the value of py-python-command *before* it sees the file-local value. I have edited the answer to suggest changing directly py-which-shell.

My comment on this answer.

I wrote /t/ which will run fine in python3 but not in python2 (dictionary comprehension works in python3)

Contents of /t/

# -*- py-python-command: "/usr/bin/python3"; -*-
a = {i:i**2 for i in range(10)}

Note that the shebang indicates python3 and the file local variable py-python-command too.

I also wrote /t/min-py.el which makes sure that python-mode.el (ver 5.1.0)is used instead of python.el.

Contents of /t/min-py.el

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/m/em/lisp/")
(autoload 'python-mode "python-mode" "Python Mode." t)
;; (setq py-python-command "python3")

Note that the last line is commented out.

I start emacs with the following command:

emacs -Q -l /t/min-py.el /t/ &

Now emacs is started with my alternate dotemacs /t/min-py.el and it opens /t/

When I press C-c C-c to send the buffer to python, it says the "for" part is wrong and that indicates that python2 is being used instead of python3. When I press C-c ! to start the python interpreter, it says python 2.5 is started.

I can even change the second line of /t/ to this:

# -*- py-python-command: "chunkybacon"; -*-

and do this experiment again and emacs still uses python2.

If the last line of /t/min-py.el is not commented out, then C-c C-c and C-c ! both use python3.
