



I am asking you this because I got job offer, but it has nothing to do with technology. I am reluctant to take it though I am unemployed. so in this current economy, would you consider any other job than the tech jobs.

if yes, what do you think the impact that it will have in your resume? how would the future employer interpret it?


+6  A: 

Eating is better than not eating. Without more details it's impossible to say more.

Charlie Martin

Yes, my boss delivered Pizza during the last recession, and I'd do the same if I had to. We're both good coders, but we're also members of the real world. "Needs must when the Devil vomits ..." as Bill put it (that's the other Bill not Mr Gates)

+2  A: 

If a potential employer would turn down the best-qualified candidate for a technical position because there is a non-technical job in his/her work history, I don't think you want to work there anyway. So taking this job can't hurt your resume in any way you should care about.

Rex M