



I have a third party application, built with WCF. It is installed as a windows service and it supports wsHttpBinding and basicHttpBinding by default.

Is there a way to switch to a more optimized binding such as tcpBinding or named pipes?

I will be consuming the service within same server so named pipes is an option.

I want to know if I can do it on a third party just by modifying the .config files of the windows service.

+3  A: 

If the WCF server service you mention is using ".config" files to initialize, then it should be possible to modify the behavior (that's the whole point in using config files: you can modify parameters without the need to recompile the code).

Try to add a new binding configuration and modify the endpoint's "binding" and "bindingConfiguration" attributes to point the new one.

In the client configuration,set up the same binding type, or if you have metadataExchange configured, update the service references and see if the client's configuration is updated.

thanks. I'll try soon.
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