Following the advice of wcoenen, I've decided to try using registration-free COM. This works perfectly, excepting on pre-XP machines, of course. One idea which I thought would be kind of neat would be to add to some files, SelfRegCost='[var]'
. It is quite likely that this is not The Right Thing™ but I still want to know how to do it, if only to satisfy my own curiosity. I'm assuming, perhaps incorrectly, that SelfRegCost='[var]'
will not cause self-registration if var is an empty string. But this could be wrong.
This is similar to "WIX: How can the registry key be changed based on the OS on which the installer is running ?", but in my case I realize I can (and probably should) use a different component and just don't care.
It is quite likely I'll probably end up using a different component anyhow, but please satisfy my curiousity.