



Hey guys,

I am looking for a Python3.0 version of "py2exe". I tried running 2to3 on the source for py2exe but the code remained broken.

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot.

+6  A: 

The py2exe and 2to3 programs serve completely different purposes, so I'm not sure what your ultimate goal is.

If you want to build an executable from a working Python program, use the version of py2exe that is suitable for whichever Python you are using (version 2 or version 3).

If you want to convert an existing Python 2 program to Python 3, use 2to3 plus any additional editing as necessary. The Python 3 documentation describes the conversion process in more detail.

Update: I now understand that you might have been trying to run 2to3 against py2exe itself to try to make a Python 3 compatible version. Unfortunately, this is definitely beyond the capabilities of 2to3. You will probably have to wait for the py2exe project to release a Python 3 compatible version.

Greg Hewgill
Looking at the py2exe website and sourceforge download site, there does not seem to be a 3.0 version of py2exe. where did you get the idea there was?
John Mulder
Ah, now I understand the original question! I think the original poster tried to run 2to3 against py2exe itself in the hopes of creating a version of py2exe that is suitable for Python 3.
Greg Hewgill
That is correct guys, I was hoping to convert py2exe to make it Python3.0 compatible.Thanks for the replies, I guess I will just have to wait till py2exe releases a new version.
+1  A: 

I just had a look at the py2exe SourceForge project SVN repository at:

The last I looked at it, it said the last update was August 2009. But keep an eye on that to see if there's any Python 3 work in-progress.

Craig McQueen
+4  A: 

Did you check out cx_Freeze. It seems to create standalone executables from your python scripts including support for python 3.0 and 3.1

Will it run on Ubuntu 64 bit?