Hmmm. I would probably do this with an adorner:
Imports System.Windows
Imports System.Windows.Documents
Imports System.Windows.Media
Public Class Annotation
Inherits Adorner
Private _fill As Brush
Private _pen As Pen
Private _text As FormattedText
Private _annotationText as String
Public Sub New(ByVal adornedElement As UIElement, ByVal annotationText as String)
_annotationText = annotationText
_fill = New SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(&H33, &HB0, &HC4, &HDE))
_pen = New Pen(Brushes.LightSteelBlue, 3.0)
_text = New FormattedText(_annotationText, Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight, New Typeface("Verdana"), 11.0, Brushes.Black)
Me.IsHitTestVisible = False
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnRender(ByVal drawingContext As DrawingContext)
Dim adornedRect As New Rect(MyBase.AdornedElement.RenderSize)
drawingContext.DrawRectangle(_fill, _pen, adornedRect)
drawingContext.DrawText(_text, New Point(0,0))
End Sub
End Class
And then you would use it by:
Private Sub AddAnnotation(ByVal uie As UIElement, ByVal annotationText as String)
Dim annotation = New Annotation(uie)
Dim adornerLayer = AdornerLayer.GetAdornerLayer(uie, annotationText)
End Sub
I will leave you to adjust the position and the actual appearance of the annotation, but you get the idea. This will work for any UIElement, including custom controls.
This was an off the cuff answer based on some other work I'd done with Adorners. Above code may or may not compile. I did not provide a way to edit annotations, but you can do so easily by removing the "Me.IsHitTestVisible = False" line and handling MouseUp events in the adorner.