I have a large application built in ExtJS and am looking for the best way to handle custom events from anywhere in the application. For example I might want to put an anchor tag in some text in the application which will open a custom component in my app. At the moment I listen to clicks on the body and if the target has a css class applied to it in a certain format I use that to perform an action.
For example I might have:
<a class="ACTION-View-Customers">View Customers</a>
My event handler will pull the classname apart and do the action. The problem with this approach is that it's difficult to pass many parameters through to the handler. What I propose is to use JSON inside the anchor's class or href tags, like so:
<a href="#" class="{ action: 'View', options: { name: 'Customers', type: 'All' } }">View Customers</a>
Can you think of any problems with this approach and suggest any alternatives? Thanks.