I have a google suggest like utility on my page. It automatically fills a value in one of input type text box. In IE, after the value is being filled. It doesnt allow mouse to click in between and curor jumps to the end always. Also with the left and right keys,the cursor jumps to the beginning. What's the cause.
<div id='input-div' class='inputblock'>
<form action="javascript:void(0);" name="GetVal">
<input id="starttextbox" class="big" onclick="textboxClick(this)" onblur="textboxBlur(this)" onkeyup="javascript:check_place(this)" type="text" name="start" autocomplete="off"/>
<div id='suggestdividstart' class='suggestDivClass'></div>
<td style='cursor:pointer' ><img style='display:none;' id='swaptd' style='cursor:pointer' src='images/swap.png' width='20' height='20' onclick='swaproute();return false;' title='click for reverse route'/>
<input id="endtextbox" class="smallhidden" onclick="textboxClick(this)" onblur="textboxBlur(this)" onkeyup="javascript:check_place(this)" type="text" name="end" autocomplete="off" />
<div id='suggestdividend' class='suggestDivClass'></div>
<img name="GoVid" id="GoVid" onclick="alert('Loading plz. wait')" src='images/locate.gif' tabindex='0' style='cursor:pointer' class="vidteq" value="Locate" href="javascript:void(0);"/>
<div class="help" id="helpdiv"></div>
What javascript does is:
if(whichBox=='start') {
else {