I want to search a file in the current directory from which the batch is running, append the filename to the directory and include that entire directory as part of command that.
Files in C:\tempfiles\batch tmp1.txt tmp2.txt tmp3.txt anyname.exe
I want the batch file, run from the directory, to find any .exe file and append it to the directory name, and use that new string as part of a command to copy the .exe file over to another directory. The command will eventually read like this (the FILETRANSFERSW.exe is the file transfer software that is also in the directory):
C:\tempfiled\batch> FILETRANSFERSW.exe "%CD%\tmp4.exe" X:\dest
The .exe file name will be changing so i need to dynamically add the new filename into the above command everytime i run the batch file. Any ideas??