I want to issue MDX against a MSAS cube from a Java client. What connectivity approaches have proven to be reliable for this?
FWIW I'm using olap4j as the Java client against a MSAS server fronted up by msmdpump.dll. Seems so far to work OK.
David Collie
2009-06-12 15:44:38
Check out http://mondrian.pentaho.org/. This is an OLAP sever with MDX/XMLA support. I understand that what you need is a client but check in the JSP examples that comes with the sever. One example involve MDX queries over XMLA and I think this should give you a start.
Manuel Darveau
2010-03-11 02:37:45
This article describes various ways of running MDX queries and extracting results: http://javatip.com/2010/06/frameworks/hibernate/mdx-from-java/
2010-07-08 06:21:03