I'm working a digg clone in ASP.NET MVC to help better teach myself ASP.NET MVC. I've been looking at how StackOverflow handles routing when passing in things like sorts and I guess I thought the whole point of using clean URLs is so you don't have things like ?sort=blah at the end of your URL for SEO.
Is there a recommended way of including many, possibly optional parameters into your URLs whilst still keeping them clean. I had a few ideas and I'd like to get some feedback.
Option 1:
Use wildcards (yuck)
Option 2:
Add the sorting to the beginning of the URL since it has the greatest coverage and ALWAYS applies when viewing stories. Exampke (using StackOverflow)
Instead of having ?sort=featured...
http://stackoverflow.com/tagged/asp.net (some sort of default)
Anyway -- I can't seem to think of any other ways of doing this.