I'm programming a java application that reads strictly text files (.txt). These files can contain upwards of 120,000 words.
The application needs to store all +120,000 words. It needs to name them word_1, word_2, etc. And it also needs to access these words to perform various methods on them.
The methods all have to do with Strings. For instance, a method will be called to say how many letters are in word_80. Another method will be called to say what specific letters are in word_2200.
In addition, some methods will compare two words. For instance, a method will be called to compare word_80 with word_2200 and needs to return which has more letters. Another method will be called to compare word_80 with word_2200 and needs to return what specific letters both words share.
My question is: Since I'm working almost exclusively with Strings, is it best to store these words in one large ArrayList? Several small ArrayLists? Or should I be using one of the many other storage possibilities, like Vectors, HashSets, LinkedLists?
My two primary concerns are 1.) access speed, and 2.) having the greatest possible number of pre-built methods at my disposal.
Thank you for your help in advance!!
Wow! Thanks everybody for providing such a quick response to my question. All your suggestions have helped me immensely. I’m thinking through and considering all the options provided in your feedback.
Please forgive me for any fuzziness; and let me address your questions:
Q) English?
A) The text files are actually books written in English. The occurrence of a word in a second language would be rare – but not impossible. I’d put the percentage of non-English words in the text files at .0001%Q) Homework?
A) I’m smilingly looking at my question’s wording now. Yes, it does resemble a school assignment. But no, it’s not homework.Q) Duplicates?
A) Yes. And probably every five or so words, considering conjunctions, articles, etc.Q) Access?
A) Both random and sequential. It’s certainly possible a method will locate a word at random. It’s equally possible a method will want to look for a matching word between word_1 and word_120000 sequentially. Which leads to the last question…Q) Iterate over the whole list?
A) Yes.
Also, I plan on growing this program to perform many other methods on the words. I apologize again for my fuzziness. (Details do make a world of difference, do they not?)