



Creating a patch is very easy in SubVersion, With Tortoise, you right-click and select Create Patch. But for the life of me, I can't find this functionality in TFS. Is this possible?

If not, what's the standard way to submit patches in open source TFS hosted projects (a la CodePlex)?

+12  A: 
tf diff /shelveset:shelveset /format:unified

Edit: This writes to standard output. You can pipe the output to a file.

Curt Hagenlocher
Can you explain a bit more?1. How would you apply this patch?2. Also, if the project is read-only to the patcher, he can't create a shelveset, can he?
Doron Yaacoby
There's a standard UNIX program called "patch" that applies unified diffs to source trees. I'm sure you could find a Windows implementation, or you could use Cygwin.
Curt Hagenlocher
+4  A: 

Codeplex uses is own client for creating patches see:

Edward Wilde

Curt, can that create a separate file (like SubVersions .patch)?

Edward, thanks, but I would love to do that without having to download yet another app. And yes, I'm being nitpicky.


Because TFS doesn't natively support patch files, the most common thing I see people do on CodePlex is simply zip the modified files and upload the zip. The project coordinator then does a diff against their own checkout.

However since CodePlex also supports TortoiseSVN, more and more people are using that to create their patch files.
