




How can I accept cookies in a python script?

+4  A: 

You might want to look at cookielib.

Can Berk Güder
+1  A: 

I believe you mean having a Python script that tries to speak HTTP. I suggest you to use a high-level library that handles cookies automatically. pycurl, mechanize, twill - you choose.

For Nikhil Chelliah:

I don't see what's not clear here.

Accepting a cookie happens client-side. The server can set a cookie.

A server can also get cookies from the client. Then again, "accept" might only be a valid term for the client.
Nikhil Chelliah
+ for mentioning mechanize

There's the cookielib library. You can also implement your own cookie storage and policies, the cookies are found in the set-cookie header of the response (Set-Cookie: name=value), then you send the back to a server in one or more Cookie headers in the request (Cookie: name=value).

+1  A: 

It's unclear whether you want a client-side or a server-side solution.

For client-side, cookielib will work fine. This answer and a few web tutorials offer more in-depth explanations.

If this is a server-side problem, you should be using a framework that takes care of all the boilerplate. I really like how CherryPy and web.py handle them, but the API is pretty simple in any library.

Nikhil Chelliah
+12  A: 

Try this:

import urllib2 
import cookielib

jar = cookielib.FileCookieJar("cookies")
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))

print "Currently have %d cookies" % len(jar)
print "Getting page"
response = opener.open("http://google.com")
print response.headers
print "Got page"
print "Currently have %d cookies" % len(jar)
print jar

It should print

Currently have 0 cookies
Currently have 2 cookies

(Google always sets a cookie). You don't really need this much unless you want to save your cookies to disk and use them later. You should find that


Takes care of most of what you want.

More info here:

Tom Dunham