Most of the stackoverflow posts about ASP.NET MVC unit testing talk about a specific issue or specific thing to test such as testing HtmlHelpers. Others on the subject of best practices have surprisingly few answers. Available videos I have watched are completely useless in my opinion - and mind blowingly long (by the time you've watched 1.5 hours and not learned anything).
What I want to know from people who've actually been doing this is :
- What are the most important things to test first
- What doesn't need testing (shock horror for me saying that but I'm not after 100%)
- What is hard to test and how have you overcome difficult thins to test.
- What things can break in refactoring that a test won't catch.
I'm not new to how to unit test - but I'm very new to actually doing it consistently. I'd really appreciate lessons learned from those who are experts in unit testing ASP.NET MVC.
I'm really looking for specific things you might only find out after having tried it - not jsut general advice like 'use interfaces' - although of course any suggestions are welcome.
Oh and lets say I've decided to use Microsoft's unit testing - just becasue its already there. I think all answers would apply to all testing frameworks though.