



I have a maven pom build file in the root directory of my project. When trying to synchronize with SVN repository from Eclipse (Europa), red double directed arrow is being added to the file icon. This means that both my local copy and the one in the repository have been changed since last synchronization.

When I try to do do 'Override and update...' error message is being thrown:

Some resources were not reverted.
Attempted to lock an already-locked dir
svn: Working copy 'C:\Java\workspaces\pro\myProject-TRUNK' locked

Do you have an idea what should be done in this case?

+4  A: 

svn cleanup ?

not sure how you'd do that from eclipse though ... but if its a standard svn working copy, you should still be able to do it with another tool.

'svn cleanup' helped, thanks
Boris Pavlović
+1  A: 

It looks like the repository has got a bit confised! You could try a 'svn cleanup' in the project directory.

You can do it on the command line, or using a different tool...

From the command prompt, you'll have to have subversion installed and on the PATH. Close Eclipse, open up a command prompt and cd to the root of the project, then type 'cvn cleanup'.

You could also use Tortoise SVN to do the same from Windows Explorer. Install Tortoise SVN and close Eclipse. Within Windows Explorer, navigate to the parent of your project directory, right click on the project folder and select 'Tortoise SVN' -> 'Clean up'

Subversive plugin for Eclipse just did it well. Thanks for the effort.
Boris Pavlović
The problem is that if Eclipse is causing the problem that requires a cleanup, I wouldn't trust the Subclipse 'cleanup' to help me out!
'Working Copy locked' is a working copy issue, and has nothing to do with your repository. (Other users of the same repository will not see any issues.) Just run 'svn cleanup' (or your clients command for that) to clean the workingcopy locks.
Bert Huijben