I'm currently looking into using XSLT 2.0, but I cannot find any open-source java implementations (Saxon-B seems to fit the bill, but isn't schema-aware).
Am I missing something?
I'm currently looking into using XSLT 2.0, but I cannot find any open-source java implementations (Saxon-B seems to fit the bill, but isn't schema-aware).
Am I missing something?
Are you sure you really need a namespace aware processor? It might help find errors in the stylesheets quicker but the cost might outweigh the benefit (both in terms of money, and license-wise).
Saxon-SA is the schema-aware version of Saxon B. It includes the open source Saxon B in full (published under the Mozilla Public License). It's only the "schema-aware" stuff which is closed source, so most of it is still free software (though only as in free speech..).