here is the code
$id1 =1;
$id2 = "module 1 loaded";
echo "$var1=$id1","$var2=$id2";
i know this is not correct way how can i pass these two varables to flash
here is the code
$id1 =1;
$id2 = "module 1 loaded";
echo "$var1=$id1","$var2=$id2";
i know this is not correct way how can i pass these two varables to flash
If you want to create a script which outputs data which can be loaded with LoadVariables or LoadVars you need something like this
//set up your values
header ("Content-Type: application/x-www-urlformencoded");
foreach($vars as $name=>$val)
echo $sep.$name."=".urlencode($val);
If your version of PHP supports it, http_build_query makes this even easier:
header ("Content-Type: application/x-www-urlformencoded");
echo http_build_query($vars);
Shouldn't it just be in the form of a query string:
echo $var1.'='.$id1.'&'.$var2.'='.$id2;
Make sure the keys and values are urlencoded.
Paul Dixon's code snip is what you need on the PHP side. Here's the flash part:
myVars = new LoadVars();
myVars.onLoad = function (success) {
if (success) {
for( var attr in this ) {
trace (" key " + attr + " = " + this[attr]);
} else {
trace ("LoadVars Error");
Note, you will want to replace the loop logic with whatever your application requires.
echo http_build_query( array(
'var1' => 1
,'var2' => 'module 1 loaded'
Flash Code:
btn.onPress = function(){
testLoadVars = new LoadVars();
testLoadVars.onLoad = function(success){
testLoadVars.sendAndLoad("http://localhost/filename.php?uniqueID=" + getTimer(),testLoadVars,"POST");
That's all.. Any Problem faced??