Let's say that in the controller I get an array of objects from the database this way:
@statuses = TwitterStatus.find(:all, :order => "tweet_id DESC", :include => :twitter_user)
Also I have the following loop in the view:
<% unless @statuses.nil? -%>
<% for status in @statuses %>
<li><%= h(status.text -%>/li>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
I have a lot more data in my model class (user info, status_id, etc.) that I would like to put in the view.
The problem is that much of this date needs to be change. I need to format the dates a certain way. I would like to insert 'target="_blank"' into any URLs in the "text" field.
My first though would be to have something like this in the controller:
for status in @statuses
status.date = status.date.formatDate
status.url = status.date.insertTarget
status.user = status.user.doUserstuff
#Adding new attribute
status.username = status.user.lookupUserName
This just feels kinda lame to me. But, I can't think of anything better.