



What is the use of a Junit before and Test package in java? how can i use it with netbeans?

+2  A: 
  1. If I understood you correctly, you want to know, what the annotation @Before means. The annotation marks a function as to be executed before each test will be executed. There you can implement the old setup() procedure.

  2. The @Test annotation marks the following method as a JUnit test. The testrunner will identify every method annotated with @Test and executes it. Example:

import org.junit.*;

    public class IntroductionTests {
        public void testSum() {
          Assert.assertEquals(8, 6 + 2);
  1. how can i use it with netbeans? In Netbeans, a testrunner for JUnit tests is included. You can choose it in your Execute Dialog.
Hi am sorry i meant @ test annotation and how do i add the JUNIt package and use it in my netbeans project.
+4  A: 


Can you be more precise? Do you need to understand what are @Before and @Test annotation?

@Test annotation is an annotation (since JUnit 4) that indicates the attached method is an unit test. That allows you to use any method name to have a test. For example:

public void doSomeTestOnAMethod() {
  // Your test goes here.

The @Before annotation indicates that the attached method will be run before any test in the class. It is mainly used to setup some objects needed by your tests:

(edited to add imports) :

import static org.junit.Assert.*; // Allows you to use directly assert methods, such as assertTrue(...), assertNull(...)

import org.junit.Test; // for @Test
import org.junit.Before; // for @Before

public class MyTest {

    private AnyObject anyObject;

    public void initObjects() {
        anyObject = new AnyObject();

    public void aTestUsingAnyObject() {
        // Here, anyObject is not null...

hey thanks a lot..this is what i wanted to know..What packages do i add to use the @test and @ before annotations and how do i do it in netbeans?
As provided in romaintaz' answer: import org.junit.Test; // for @Testimport org.junit.Before; // for @Before


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