



We are using the maven jetty plug-in to run exploded wars.

We have a script that copies certain configuration files to the directory which is used by maven to assemble the war (basically spring configuration + web.xml for stand-alone test environment).

The problem is that it seems the webapp is being built again before jetty:run-exploded is called which replaces our custom config files we copied in. Strangely enough this is only affecting people on Windows and not the Ubuntu users.

Anyone know of a way to run the jetty:run-exploded task but prevent Maven from building anything before doing it?


Have you tried using executions?

I am not sure if they would work, but if it's possible, I think that is how it would be configured.


The run:exploded goal documentation says that it will run package which is what you are seeing.

"We have a script that copies certain configuration files..."

You might want to find out what maven "profile"s are instead. This is the real problem here.

Gene De Lisa