



I am trying to figure out an algorithm to calculate where to place any number of icons for a circular menu on a device with a screen that is 240x320. The icons are 48x48 but can be scaled to any size. I would like to come up with a generic algorithm that will take any number of icons in any size and calculate the best scale for them and the best placement (ie radius and radian divisor).

Currently my code looks like this:

int iconWidth = icon.Width;//this is a poor approximation.
int radius = iconWidth + iconWidth / 2;//defines spacing between square icons
double factor = ((2 * Math.PI) / menuEntries.Count);

//transition is a value that describes the animation curve for the menu
float transitionOffsetR = (float)Math.Pow(TransitionPosition, 2) * radius;
float transitionOffsetP = (float)Math.Pow(TransitionPosition, 2) * (float)factor;

// menuEntries is a collection of objects that describe the menu items
// it has fields like icon and title and callback, things like that.
foreach (MenuEntry entry in menuEntries.Values)
    int i = menuEntries.IndexOfValue(entry);

    iconPos.X = ((float)radius - transitionOffsetR) *
                 (float)Math.Cos((factor - transitionOffsetP) * i + 1);
    iconPos.Y = ((float)radius - transitionOffsetR) *
                 (float)Math.Sin((factor - transitionOffsetP) * i + 1);

    Vector2 finalPos = Vector2.Add(iconPos, origin);

    entry.Draw(this, finalPos, isSelected, worldTime, TransitionPosition);

What's happening here is this, first I calculate the widths of the icons and do some math to find a reasonable radius and factor. then using the TransitionPosition value that comes from the caller of this method I modify both the radius and divisor for calculating the X and Y values of the icon position. Adding iconPos and origin together (where origin is the coordinate (screen.Width/2, screen.Height/2)) I get the proper final position in world coordinates.

I am also considering drawing it as a graph similar to circo or twopi from the graphviz package.

Any questions or problems please let me know.



Might be good to try one of the available free graphing libraries. I could suggest this one, but there are lots of good ones.

This way you could concentrate on the business logic and not have to worry about re-inventing the wheel with the graphing functionality.

Chris Ballance
No, you didn't read the question. I'm not trying to draw a chart, I'm talking about an abstract representation of a set of objects where some pairs of the objects are connected by links. In this case it would be the origin connected with every menu icon node.
+1  A: 

Many resources on pie menus, including various implementations, can be found at Pie Menu Central.

Another link, more recent but Cocoa-centric and text-based, is JMPieMenu.

Yes, I have read most of that information and it doesn't provide much assistance. Most of the good links are broken and it mostly talks about a couple guys' playing with their TRS-80s in their grandmother's basement hitting the bong and listening to Pink Floyd.
Also everything referenced on there is over 20 years old.
+1 for your comment Malk0lm!
Chris Ballance
I have another link but it is text-based and uses Cocoa framework. It is I will update or delete my answer depending on how it is helpful for you.
I'm always surprised pie menus never caught on. I remember there being a big deal about that way back when I was in highschool. Seemed promising to me, but then it disappeared.
Brian Knoblauch
That URL is not found. Can you double check it?
Yes I got the same error. I found the new link at Sorry for the inconvenience.